
Rational Thoughts About Irrational Subjects

Sunday, April 8, 2012

To the victor go the spoils.

Thoughts on The GOP, Politics and Government itself.
Emotions can destroy the soundest set of moral values in an instant. When watching an animal struggle for survival, you see this constantly happening. But aren’t we better? Haven’t humans evolved? Physically yes. But metaphysically? No. And as the 2012 Republican GOP election trudges on, my hopes and dreams for humanity are forcefully shoved further and further down, as politics falls further and further into the depths of immorality, pulling humanity down with it. We are supposed to work together. To get things done. To solve problems and make the humans the best species on earth, and in the entire universe. There may be trillions of species of humans out there. We need to win the race up the Kardashev scale. We have to gracefully clamber up the mountain until we have finally made it and are truly the best. That should be the goal of humanity not to make a shallow buck by untruthfully expressing your “opinion”, in the only body of people keeping us from chaos. The purpose of government is to solve problems, and prevent problems from happening in the future. But when it turns into a battle between 2 parties, who aren't even arguing about the issues, that is when we are in a dark, dark age. That is and what will be happening for the next 6 months. Some of the most "admired" men in this country will take advantage of free speech. Where is their morality. Blindly throwing insults shouldn't get you elected to anything. But this has happened again and again. When you stand in front of the whole world, and lie, and then expect to get elected president? Not a chance. And then when we elect leaders like that, all we have done is justify our right to pity. All we have done, is show ourselves that humanity isn't any better than the wolves willing to kill, just to lead the pack. And the raccoons in the dark alleys standing off for the last scrap of our garbage. We essentially havent risen above the line set by the species that eats our garbage. And when those same people lie to their demographic, just to get votes, when the solutions and conclusions they come up with just to fool the public are hollow and unrealistic, all they can do, is not follow through. Again, Where is the morality? Is this right? Are these leaders? No. We are as humans sinking deeper and deeper into the evil gracing civilizations for years. But we are better than that. This representative democracy, will show the world as it has for generations that nationalism as well as “partyism” and any other blind, unjustified defending of a group that you belong to is an aspect of the human condition. That us as humans can and should rise above the evil that currently represents us, and our values but won't. The public has an embarrassingly weak and shockingly indirect link to the changes that happen in the world. The people should make the decisions that affect them. Not some morally distraught con man struggling to keep his say in the government. Does he have no respect? If the people dont want him the people dont want him! He is supposed to represent the people not just himself and any rich man willing to pay up. The people shall become the government. Changes will reflect what the people want. That is the closest we could ever get to a perfect society yet it would still be so far from perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I admire your idealism. We need more people willing to work to make this a better world.
