
Rational Thoughts About Irrational Subjects

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Aristotle

     The soul is an encasement of thick boiled down feeling. No matter how cold you happen to be, you just have a thicker shell. Though still encasing the richest, creamiest, thickest, most pure metaphysical concept. Your soul. And the fact that there is a way to express and distribute that thing, is incredible. When you look at a piece of art, you say, oh how beautiful, or, I just love the shadow. To the untrained eye that is all that is there. But when you can see it through a filter allowing only the richness of the soul through, that is when you can say something about the image. And know thats exactly what the artist meant. When artists draw things, they, represent some feeling, or mood with their, lighting and color choice. But then you realize that color, and light have no matter at all. They are merely that injudgable cover. The top layer. Just the nieve perception of the neoteric man. With a falsely evolved culture and society, and being outdated in millions of years by the richness of the soul and the imagery it can provide, we are indeed neoteric. We seem to have wandered off the suggested evolutionary path and fell into the one im guessing the majority of civilizations have. Laziness. Capitalism is merely a fad of the revolution, that happened to work quite nicely with no assistance at all. In fact better without. But communism is a further evolved way of thinking. The idea that we aren't all fighting with each other for dear survival, is a tantalizing thing. It suggests that one day our society could be of higher level beings. The only problem is the fact that people aren't perfect. It doesn't work. Unless the setting is changed. Enter, the borough concept. At a small scale communism works. When communism is at a small scale, people are under pressure to be better morally. Thats why in the smallest borough, every person acts as one unit. Ina a mega-borough, each borough acts as a unit all acting as individual people and making up another "borough". If one succeeds or attacks they are punished. If somehow they aren't the large economy will crumble back to the stage that originally opened the door to this civilization. Ironic, isn't it. The trick is, to find some way to enforce the law, and not let boroughs do things to crumble the society. Communism will string them together to some point, but the absence of the social triangle can help that too. Thats the problem. The absence of the triangle can decrease immorality, but when any small amount comes up, you need an instant triangle. Bringing us back to our current point. This is really just another ironic conclusion to a paradox. A paradox ultimately stemming to the human condition and our ability to look beyond it's limitations.

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