
Rational Thoughts About Irrational Subjects

Sunday, April 8, 2012

"Science is nothing but perception" -plato

When we realize that the cosmos are an ornate arena of mystery is when we realize the most elegant of ideas. When theoretical physics and philosophy crash once more, similar to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans, incredibly radical ideas are surfacing. With a confusing beach full of knowledge unknown to the majority of humanity, as Newton said, “diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me.” Every once in a while something surfaces and the great physicists and philosophers swim out and interpret and analyze and speculate until it has been released into the atmosphere so much that the public has suffocated with the enlightenment and now obvious condition of the somewhat recently discovered object. As we reach deeper into these ideas, which there are so many of, we are starting to realize something. Perception is but our viewpoint of the vast ocean. The ornate arena. Science is really just your perception of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen. Take the long lasting philosophical problem entitled Qualia. It deals with the idea of whether colours are colours, or assigned aspects of objects perceived differently by every brain. If someone sees something as red, and everybody refers to the same object with the same dye, and same “color” as red, then relative to other objects, the subject is very much “red”. But relative to other people’s perception, it could be darker, or lighter or blue. String theory is another example. Being that it is realistically just an idea of philosophy, it can be perceived incredibly different from person to person from universe to universe. The connections made by each person is another fascinating aspect of the human mind. As more and more is discovered, more is connected and eventually we have what we think is an established view of reality. Reality is nothing but our perception. Whether red, or blue.

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