
Rational Thoughts About Irrational Subjects

Monday, July 2, 2012

It's like gas; man

Stereotypes, our desire to fill them, and why we act this way

A very limited understanding of physics and or chemistry yields an interesting fact. A gas fills any container it is put in. Much like the countless mental processes that can be related to the physical world, humans also fill any container they're put in. Not physically but metaphysically. The human mind is a delicate machine with a processer stronger than our own ethics. When the incoming information stream is corrupted by modern obscenities, we do things that even the most conscious person wouldn't expect. We fill stereotypes. Because of a certain factor humans, can, have, and will pick up habits and ways of doing things. Whether it's dressing, or driving, we have our idiosyncrasies. Now because of the scientific curiosity instilled in our genes by our ancestors, we observe, and report. Now is where we see an elegant connection. Someone who does something different than the observer, is noticed, because the situation has a differing factor. Not necessarily bad or good. As time goes on this stereotype(if it turns in to common knowledge) will be something that (whether it is offensive or not) describes a certain population. Now is where the elegance hits a rough patch(but it will be back). Because of the human condition to kill instead of being killed many stereotypes are nasty. This may seem like it involves a lack of elegance. But in fact it has quite a bit. If you divide stereotypes in to negative and neutral stacks, people who follow the negative stereotypes are chastised, yet the followers of the neutral stereotypes is a growing group. That is because people point out differences. The reason the stereotypes started in the first place. If someone follows a stereotype, they wont be different if their respective group is one identified with stereotype.  So human nature creates, and continues stereotypes. If you are different than the observer and any other subjects, you will be noticed. Whether it be courting a hopeful suitor, or be applying to college. The differences catch the eye. The individuality, and originality of your soul, shows the world who you are, but people subconsciously change it. Because our nature tells us that no one wants to be alone in their habits. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Will

Predictability, Sex, and the Universe.
Kill, Eat, Reproduce, Kill, Eat, Reproduce, Kill, Eat, Reproduce, Kill, Eat, Reproduce, Kill, Eat, Reproduce. The anthem of the ancestors. If you didn't do it you died. If you died you didn't have kids. If you did it, you lived and your features, and family lived on to become the humans we are today. You can trace every decision back to this. Essentially Coitus. Why do people learn things? To eventually get a job. If morality and social pressure haven't effected you this job is for personal gain. Why do you want personal gain? To be able to afford food. Why do you want food? To Survive. Why? To Reproduce. Why? Coitus feels good. Why? Evolution made it so. Why does evolution work? Be cause coitus feels good. Why does it feel good? Evolution made it so. This situation as well as any other situation ends in circular logic, and has a certain set of fixed concrete aspects of the universe at the specific time of the event. Whether  light traveling, rocks colliding, or people talking if you had all of this information and the way the specific human processes this information you can predict any choice. Just like predicting a coin toss and die roll if you had the time and resources you could easily predict the outcome with pure physics. Even virtual random number generators use complex algorithms that aren't really random. Like this, the human mind can be easily predicted. It's all based on the human condition, the morality system actually working, and whether the person knows you are predicting them and/or testing free will. Like the locating of particles on the quantum scale examining them moves them. If the subject knows you are testing free will they will either reverse, keep the same, or slightly change their answer. If you were to have enough information about the person you could accurately "predict" their choice. Just like the past, in which there is a definite situation that happened whether you know exactly what happened or not. The future also has situations that will happen whether you know exactly what. It seems as though we've come far from the anthem of the ancestors but in reality we haven't yet that fact can be examined for much metaphysical value.

The Puppet Master

Whether creationist or evolutionary there is still a puppet master of all of our lives. We can now see beyond the views of that puppet master. Whether a god, or the laws of nature, we were made to kill, eat, reproduce, repeat. That is the only way to keep the species alive. Today the world is different. Like the robots depicted in so many science fiction novels, we have now reached a point in which some of us want to break free from our nature. We see beyond out limitations that go along with the human condition. We see beyond the puppet master yet are helpless in our search for freedom. We are human whether we want to be or not. We can act mature, tribal, primal, and asinine, yet all the while we will work the same. The laws of nature made us evil. Humans were and in some cases are evil. Driven by personal gain, and wanting to stay alive we do what we have to. Mostly evil things. On the other hand we have formed our society. This society has developed and attempted to implement ethics. Whether they are acted on is a completely different story. But regardless when they are acted on these humans have stepped beyond the puppet master and calmly broke free. Like MLK and his followers. Violence will only make it hard for you. Do it carefully and morally and you will come out on top. On top of the puppet master. As I look around myself I see the human condition affecting everyday life. A preteen boy stealing a hat. A little boy rushing to the cashier to inform them of this wrongdoing. The frustation of the retailer and their personal life made them scoff at the boy's claims. The mother or grandmother of the boy whips him away and scolds him for bothering one of our hardworking americans. Just as the puppet master wants us to do. When someone follows the morals taught to them and ground into their memory, beat the rule follower down. Whether deliberate or not, the one on top is sadly enough chastised. The stealing boy was shot up the popularity ladder. Trampling the hard work and immorality of the others as someone else thinks up a plan to outdo the entire school. An immorality contest and in the end just like our primal ancestors the winner gets the girl. The winner reproduces. Humanity stays upon this path of evil temptation. Becoming stronger and making it  harder to pull out of. Pretty soon it will become a one way street. We need to stop this. We need to show the children how to apply morals and that the moral one will and should come out on top. Dont take that away from them by beating them and reclaiming their spot for yourself. Be happy for the human race and if you can't beat them join them.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

To the victor go the spoils.

Thoughts on The GOP, Politics and Government itself.
Emotions can destroy the soundest set of moral values in an instant. When watching an animal struggle for survival, you see this constantly happening. But aren’t we better? Haven’t humans evolved? Physically yes. But metaphysically? No. And as the 2012 Republican GOP election trudges on, my hopes and dreams for humanity are forcefully shoved further and further down, as politics falls further and further into the depths of immorality, pulling humanity down with it. We are supposed to work together. To get things done. To solve problems and make the humans the best species on earth, and in the entire universe. There may be trillions of species of humans out there. We need to win the race up the Kardashev scale. We have to gracefully clamber up the mountain until we have finally made it and are truly the best. That should be the goal of humanity not to make a shallow buck by untruthfully expressing your “opinion”, in the only body of people keeping us from chaos. The purpose of government is to solve problems, and prevent problems from happening in the future. But when it turns into a battle between 2 parties, who aren't even arguing about the issues, that is when we are in a dark, dark age. That is and what will be happening for the next 6 months. Some of the most "admired" men in this country will take advantage of free speech. Where is their morality. Blindly throwing insults shouldn't get you elected to anything. But this has happened again and again. When you stand in front of the whole world, and lie, and then expect to get elected president? Not a chance. And then when we elect leaders like that, all we have done is justify our right to pity. All we have done, is show ourselves that humanity isn't any better than the wolves willing to kill, just to lead the pack. And the raccoons in the dark alleys standing off for the last scrap of our garbage. We essentially havent risen above the line set by the species that eats our garbage. And when those same people lie to their demographic, just to get votes, when the solutions and conclusions they come up with just to fool the public are hollow and unrealistic, all they can do, is not follow through. Again, Where is the morality? Is this right? Are these leaders? No. We are as humans sinking deeper and deeper into the evil gracing civilizations for years. But we are better than that. This representative democracy, will show the world as it has for generations that nationalism as well as “partyism” and any other blind, unjustified defending of a group that you belong to is an aspect of the human condition. That us as humans can and should rise above the evil that currently represents us, and our values but won't. The public has an embarrassingly weak and shockingly indirect link to the changes that happen in the world. The people should make the decisions that affect them. Not some morally distraught con man struggling to keep his say in the government. Does he have no respect? If the people dont want him the people dont want him! He is supposed to represent the people not just himself and any rich man willing to pay up. The people shall become the government. Changes will reflect what the people want. That is the closest we could ever get to a perfect society yet it would still be so far from perfect.

"Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself!" Confucius

The natural way the human mind works has been and is being and will be analyzed for many years. It can't keep to itself. Removing the outliers and consolidating the data, we see that humans are in fact socially based. Without the import and export of information, the human mind cant function. Similar to any country. Without the information they crave, they cannot function. The other minds feel the same way, and to avoid conflict the country and the mind gives the other country and mind what they need. Unfortunately both of these naturally occurring relationships, always end in conflict, unless everyone involved becomes morally sound by the same standards.  Take communism. It starts out fine. But the downfall is not far away, and the accention accelerates as more people take they immoral tole on the community. The dictator is tempted by power, the individual is tempted by private property and the other countries are tempted by the former and latter, because of capitalism. If it was a democracy in a small setting, with everyone abiding by the same rules, it would work perfectly and everyone would excel in their respective fields. Unfortunately someone will look for individual gain. And the old rule of thumb will surface again. Either everyone must be perfect, or natural order must find a way itself. But which will prevail? Will we ever move into the integer realm of the kardashev scale? Only the future holds the answer. When the probabilities are taken into mind, it is still just a coin toss. The future is the only way for us to know. The generations to come will either prosper, or die in the chaos that ensues. Will people finally face reality, or will we stay the naive, vulnerable, simple-minded society that we are.

"You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for." Ted Turner

The laws of physics do not at all apply to the metaphysical human mind. For when we are at rest, the last thing we want to do is stay that way. We seek experience, and occupation as we realize our needs and the forthcoming demise pushing upon the conscience of every human being. But from another point of view, you see that we do indeed follow this specific law in some sense. Most people never find out what it is like to be at rest. They are in motion from the moment their parents sign them up for their first soccer game, to their final violin performance before their death. They want to keep moving, and wont stop. Not from their own accord, and certainly not by force from the activity itself. Only from the end. Death, which makes us do it, and forces us to stop. No matter what the occupation you will always have more to do. Take another second off, compose one more song, deduce one more equation. Nothing will ever be complete. And the only thing that will end any human’s triumphant march onward is the ultimate destination of this march. As you progress you get closer and closer until you final fall and never get back up.

"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." Aristotle

     Existence, and the consciousness that comes with is truly the greatest gift. To take advantage of, and utilize this consciousness is indeed an art form, while knowledge, is the paint. But similar to painting in the modern world, knowledge isn’t acquired easily.  You may have to buy the paint. In fact, that is education. Acquiring knowledge. Whether from a store or just using some crushed berries you do indeed need to acquire it unless you want a blank canvas.  Reality, is the canvas. And education is the paint. But education, is the tube, bottle, brush, and creative force.  Without education, you and this said painting might as well be dead.

"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Aristotle

     The soul is an encasement of thick boiled down feeling. No matter how cold you happen to be, you just have a thicker shell. Though still encasing the richest, creamiest, thickest, most pure metaphysical concept. Your soul. And the fact that there is a way to express and distribute that thing, is incredible. When you look at a piece of art, you say, oh how beautiful, or, I just love the shadow. To the untrained eye that is all that is there. But when you can see it through a filter allowing only the richness of the soul through, that is when you can say something about the image. And know thats exactly what the artist meant. When artists draw things, they, represent some feeling, or mood with their, lighting and color choice. But then you realize that color, and light have no matter at all. They are merely that injudgable cover. The top layer. Just the nieve perception of the neoteric man. With a falsely evolved culture and society, and being outdated in millions of years by the richness of the soul and the imagery it can provide, we are indeed neoteric. We seem to have wandered off the suggested evolutionary path and fell into the one im guessing the majority of civilizations have. Laziness. Capitalism is merely a fad of the revolution, that happened to work quite nicely with no assistance at all. In fact better without. But communism is a further evolved way of thinking. The idea that we aren't all fighting with each other for dear survival, is a tantalizing thing. It suggests that one day our society could be of higher level beings. The only problem is the fact that people aren't perfect. It doesn't work. Unless the setting is changed. Enter, the borough concept. At a small scale communism works. When communism is at a small scale, people are under pressure to be better morally. Thats why in the smallest borough, every person acts as one unit. Ina a mega-borough, each borough acts as a unit all acting as individual people and making up another "borough". If one succeeds or attacks they are punished. If somehow they aren't the large economy will crumble back to the stage that originally opened the door to this civilization. Ironic, isn't it. The trick is, to find some way to enforce the law, and not let boroughs do things to crumble the society. Communism will string them together to some point, but the absence of the social triangle can help that too. Thats the problem. The absence of the triangle can decrease immorality, but when any small amount comes up, you need an instant triangle. Bringing us back to our current point. This is really just another ironic conclusion to a paradox. A paradox ultimately stemming to the human condition and our ability to look beyond it's limitations.

"Science is nothing but perception" -plato

When we realize that the cosmos are an ornate arena of mystery is when we realize the most elegant of ideas. When theoretical physics and philosophy crash once more, similar to the ancient times of the Greeks and Romans, incredibly radical ideas are surfacing. With a confusing beach full of knowledge unknown to the majority of humanity, as Newton said, “diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered before me.” Every once in a while something surfaces and the great physicists and philosophers swim out and interpret and analyze and speculate until it has been released into the atmosphere so much that the public has suffocated with the enlightenment and now obvious condition of the somewhat recently discovered object. As we reach deeper into these ideas, which there are so many of, we are starting to realize something. Perception is but our viewpoint of the vast ocean. The ornate arena. Science is really just your perception of everything that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen. Take the long lasting philosophical problem entitled Qualia. It deals with the idea of whether colours are colours, or assigned aspects of objects perceived differently by every brain. If someone sees something as red, and everybody refers to the same object with the same dye, and same “color” as red, then relative to other objects, the subject is very much “red”. But relative to other people’s perception, it could be darker, or lighter or blue. String theory is another example. Being that it is realistically just an idea of philosophy, it can be perceived incredibly different from person to person from universe to universe. The connections made by each person is another fascinating aspect of the human mind. As more and more is discovered, more is connected and eventually we have what we think is an established view of reality. Reality is nothing but our perception. Whether red, or blue.

“We do not remember days we remember moments”-cesare pavese

The day is filled with garbage. The awkward small talk you endure in every situation can really clog up a day. You will often leave these aspects out. Yet still call it a day. I think this quote represents an idea in which the memorable are only memorable if they are still just as fantastic when taken out of context. You don’t need the entire day to represent the feeling you get from an event. That is what makes it great. In a way, it just means that this circumstance stands out. The fact that it’s different from the everyday boredom is what makes it better, and wholesome out of context. Existence has a spectrum. You can label it in many different ways. Similar to the balance of life. When a moment really stands out so much as to be memorable, better out of context, it has made a leap on the spectrum. An anomoly. An outlier, to set the average astray. This creates the illusion that the day was the memorable subject. The spectrum has to be understood in this context as the positive/negative of the situation not mood. As the positive/negative of your mood will be skewed similar to a median after the fact of this moment. This also can create illusions similar to the mood spectrum mistake. When something jumps on the spectrum it will most likely fall again revealing the gruel of the modern man.